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Showing results 1 to 20 of 25
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1957A survey of the Bryozoa in the Southwest portion of Delaware bay, with special reference to those species occurring on the blue crab,Callinectes sapidus.Watts E.
1877Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des SciencesMULTI
2002Atlas of Marine Invertebrate LarvaeYoung C. M. (Ed. ); Mary A. S. (Ed. ); Mary E. R. (Ed. )
2009Baudina gen. nov., constituting the first record of Pasytheidae from Australia, and Sinoflustridae fam. nov., with a checklist of Bryozoa and Pterobranchia from Beagle GulfGordon D. P.
1938Biology (collected reprints)Multi
1991Bryozoa: The Miocene to Recent Family Petalostegidae. Systematics, affinities, biogeographyGordon D. P.; Hondt J. L.
1996Deconstructing suspension feeders by analysis of film and videoHart M. W.
2008Differential microbial fouling on the marine bryozoan Pentapora fascialisSharpI. H.; Et Al.
2001Distribution and diversity of the hyperbenthic amphipod family Calliopiidae in the different seas around the Greenland-Iceland-Faeroe-RidgeShunatova N. N.; Ostrovsky A. N.; Weisshappel J. B.
2008Distribution and morphological variation of colonies of the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) along the western coast of ItalyLombardi C.; Et Al.
1996Fatty acids of a bryozoan Flustra sp.Vysotskii M. V.; Svetashev V. I.
1999Identification of Sibling Species of the Bryozoan Bugula neritina That Produce Different Anticancer Bryostatins and Harbor Distinct Strains of the Bacterial Symbiont Candidatus Endobugula sertulaDAVIDSON S. K.; HAYGOOD M. G.
1998Memoires of the Queensland MuseumQueensland Museum
1949Natural History of Marine AnimalsMacGinitie G. E.; MacGinitie N.
1994New species and new records of Cheilostomatous Bryozoa from the Faroe Islands, collected by BIOFARHAYWARD P. J.
2004New sub-Arctic species of the tropical genus Antropora (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata): a gastropod-pagurid crab associateTilbrook K. J.; A. V. Grischenko
1931Resultats des Campagnes Sci. du Prince de Monaco. Fasc 83-84CALVET L.; PRINCE ALBERT Ier DE MONACO
1903Resultats des Campagnes Sci.du Prince de Monaco. Fasc 20-23STUDER Th.; HEROUARD E.; THOULET J.; JULLIEN J.; CALVET L.
2009Scientific results of the Hassler expedition - Bryozoa - No. 1 : BarbadosWinston; J. E.; R. M. Woollacott
1930Station océanographique de Salammbô-Bryozoaires marins de TunisieCANU F.; BASSLER R. S.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 25
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