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Showing results 1 to 20 of 40
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011A model for the prediction of harmful algae blooms in the Vietnamese upwelling areaDippner, Joachim W.; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Doan, Nhu Hai
2009A report on the mass mortality of farmed shrimp due to the blooming of Chattonella marina along Vypin coastJugnu R.; V. Kripa
1998A study on the red tide caused by Gymnodinium mikimotoi in the pearl river estuaryLiang Song; Qian Honglin
1984An Account of the 1994 Phytoplankton Blooms and Mass Mortalities of Marine Animals along the Western Louisiana and Northern Texas Coast, with Comparison to Similar Events of 1984WARDLE W. J.
2013An analytical perspective on detection, screening, and confirmation in phycology, with particular reference to toxins and toxin - producing speciesPablo De La Iglesia; Et Al.
1998An Assessment of Oxygen, Salinity, and Phytoplankton Distributions Near an Area off Sabine Pass, Texas, Characterized by Demersal Fish and Marine Mammal MortalitiesBONTEMPI P. S.; LYONS C. A. N.
1999An unusual year for the occurrence of harmful algaeSONGHUI L.; HODGKISS I. J.
2010Analyses of the complete chloroplast genome sequences of two members of the pelagophyceae: Aureococcus anophagefferens CCMP 1984 and Aureoumbra lagunensis CCMP 1507Ong H. C.; Et Al.
2000Bước đầu nghiên cứu tảo độc hại chi Alexandrium halim (Dinophyceae) ở vùng biển ven bờ phía Bắc Việt NamChu Văn Thuộc
2008Comparative study of phosphorus strategies of three typical harmful algae in Chinese coastal watersLinjian Ou
2012Culture condition influence cellular RNA content in ichthyotoxic flagellates of the genus Pseudochattonella (Dictyochophyceae).Dittami S. M.; B. Edvardsen
1000Design and implementation of some harmful algal monotoring systemsIOC - UNESCO
2008Detoxification of Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas fed on diets of Skeletonema costatum with and without silt, following PSP contamination by Alexandrium minutumGueguen M.; Et Al.
1998Dinoflagellate cysts from recent marine sediments of the South and East China seasQI Yu-zao; ZHENG Lei
2008Ecology of harmful algaeGranéli E. (ed. ); J. T. Turner (ed. )
2010First harmful Dinophysis (Dinophyceae, Dinophysiales) bloom in the U. S. is revealed by automated imaging flow cytometryCampbell L.; Et Al.
2005GEOHAB core research project: HABs in upwelling systemsGEOHAB
2008Gut passage times in two bivalve molluscs fed toxic microalgae: Alexandrium minutum, A. catenella and Pseudo-nitzschia callianthaGueguen M.; Et Al.
1000Harmful AlgaeBeatrice Reguera; Juan Blanco; Luisa Fernandez; Timothy Wyatt (Eds)
2001Harmful Algae News-
Showing results 1 to 20 of 40
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