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Showing results 1 to 20 of 333
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986AGU-IOC-WMO-CPPS chapman conference: an international symposium on El Nino (Guyaquil, Ecuador, 27-31 October 1986)-
1994Annual report 1993.Report of the secretary on intersessional activitiesUNESCO
1995Annual Report 1995IOC - UNESCO
1998Annual Report for 1997. Data Buoy Cooperation PanelIOC
1996Annual reports series. 1994 (no.1), 1996 (3)IOC
1993Assessment and monitoring of large marine ecosystemsUNESCO
1996Atelier regional sur la gestion integree des zones littorales (ICAM)IOC - UNESCO
1980Biennial report for 1978-1979IOC
1980Biennial Report for 1978-1979 (Prepared in accordance with IOC statutes article 12)IOC
1993BMTC-IOC-POLARMAR International Workshop on training requirements in the Field of Eutrophication in semi-enclosed seas harmful algal bloomsIOC
2008Các nhiệm vụ chiến lược trung hạn của chương trình hải dương học liên chính phủ [The objectives of the IOC medium-term strategy]Nguyễn, Tác An; Bùi, Hồng Long
1994Calculation of new depth equations for expendable bathythermographs using a temperature-error-free method (application to sippican/TSK T-7,T-6 T-4 XBTs) No.42HANAWA K.; RUAL P.; BAILEY R.; SY A.; SZABADOS M.
1975Catalogue international des stations de donnees oceaniquesIOC
1987CCAMLR-IOC Scientific seminar on Antarctic Ocean variability and its influence on marine living resources, particularly Krill. Paris 1987IOC
1985CCOP (SOPAC)-IOC-IFREMER-ORSTOM Workshop on the uses of submersibles and remotely operated vehicles in the South PacificIOC
1983CCOP/SOPAC-IOC-UNU workshop on basic geo-scientific marine research required for assessment of minerals and hydrocarbons in the South PacificIOC
1986CCOP/SOPAC-IOC second international workshop on geology, mineral resources and geophysics of the South Pacific. IOC, Unesco, New Caledonia 1980IOC
1987CCOP/SOPAC-IOC Workshop on coastal processes in the South Pacific island nationsIOC
1995Chapman conference on the circulation of the intra-Americas sea (workshop report No.111)IOC
1993Chlorinated biphenyls in open ocean waters:sampling,extraction,clean-up Instrumental determinationIOC
Showing results 1 to 20 of 333
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