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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014A mapping and monitoring assessment of the Philippines mangrove forests from 1900 to 2010Long Jordan; Et Al.
2012A non - parametric indicator Kriging method for generating coastal sediment type mapLIU Fu-Cheng; Et Al.
2000A preliminary environmental sensitivity index (ESI) mapping for oil spills in coastal area of WENZHOU city, East China SeaMINGYUAN Z.
2002Aerial mapping: Methods and applicationsFalkner E.; D. Morgan
1969American congress on surveying and mapping.Multi
2003Applied subsurface geological mapping: With structural methodsTearpock D. J.; R. E. Bischke
2013Coral reef remote sensing: A guide for mapping, monitoring and managementGoodman J. A.; S. J. Purkis; S. R. Phinn
2000Environmental sensibility mapping and database development: the case of Indonesia coatsal and land marine areasSUHARNOTO Y.
2000Environmental sensitivity index (ESI) mapping for oil spills: A pilot project for west coast of Malaysian Peninsular-
1999Giải pháp xử lý vấn đề độ cao trong công tác đo đạc lập bản đồ biển ở Việt Nam Solutions to elevation treatment for Vietnam sea-bed surveying and mappingLê Minh; Hà Minh Hòa; Trần Đình Lư
2005GIS for coastal zone managementBartlett D. (ed. ); J. Smith (ed. )
1997Identifying gaps in conservation networks: of indicators and uncertainty in geographic-based analysesFlather C. H.; Wilson K. R.; Dean D. J.; McComb W. C.
1985IOC consultative group on ocean mapping; First sessionUNESCO
1998Ký hiệu bản đồ địa hình tỉ lệ 1: 50 000 và 1: 100 000Tổng Cục Địa Chính
2014Mapping and portraying inundation uncertainty of Bathtub type modelSchmid K.; Et Al.
2008Mapping large, shallow inlets and bays: modelling a natura 2000 habitat with digital terrain and wave exposure modelsBekkby T.; Martin I.
1998Mapping of coastal ecosystems and halophytes (case study of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)Benno Boer; Derek Gliddon
2013Mapping of natural resources sustainable use in the case studies of SECOA projectTrần Đình Lân; Đỗ Thị Thu Hương; Cao Thị Thu Trang
2004Mapping seabed biotopes at Hasting Shingle Bank, eastern English Channel. Part 1: Assessment using sidescan sonar; Part 2: Comparison of two acoustic ground discrimination systemsBrown C. J.; Et Al.
2000Maps of coastal sensitivity to oil pollutionMIZOGUCHI N.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 38
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