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Browsing by Subject NAGA
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 1974 | Bathythermograph (BT) temperature observations in the Timor Sea, NAGA Expedition, Cruise S11 | ROBINSON M. K. |
1961 | Benthos of the Northern part of the Gulf of Thailand | BRINTON E. |
1961 | Biological sampling methods | BRUUN A.; BRINTON K. |
1961 | Bottom topography | FAUGHN J. L.; EMERY K. O.; NIINO H. |
1961 | Calanoid Copepods of the Gulf of Thailand | FLEMINGER A. |
1961 | Chaetognatha, Siphonophorae, Medusae, in the Gulf of Siam and the South China Sea. Index of material | ALVARINO A. |
1970 | Description of the larvae of Rastrelliger (Mackerel) and a composition of the juveniles and adults of the species R. Kanagurta and R. Brachysoma | MATSUI T. |
1961 | Distribution and abundance of the Naga Euphausiid Crustaceans | BRINTON E.; WATANAPRIDA C. |
1961 | Distribution of the Copepod Genera Eucalanus, Rhincalanus, Euchaeta and the species Undinula vulgaris in the surface waters off South Vietnam | BUI THI LANG |
1961 | Ecology of the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea. A repoprt on the results of the NAGA expedition, 1959-1961 | MULTI |
1975 | Euphausiids of Southeast Asian waters | BRINTON Ed. |
1976 | Euthecosomatous Pteropods (Mollusca) in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea : seasonal distribution and species associations | ROTTMAN M. |
1967 | Gammaridean Amphipoda from the South China Sea | IMBACH M. L. |
1974 | NAGA Expedition : Station Index and Data | FAUGHN J. L. |
1967 | Nephtydae (Polychaeta) from the bay of Nhatrang, South Vietnam | FAUCHALD K. |
1961 | Physical oceanography and its relation to the marine oganic production in the South China Sea | LAFOND E. C. |
1961 | Physical oceanography of the Gulf of Thailand | ROBINSON M. K. |
1961 | Physical Oceanography of the Southeast Asian Waters | WYRTKI K. |
1967 | Polychaeta from the Bay of Nhatrang, South Vietnam | GALLARDO V. A. |
1961 | Pteropoda (Mollusca) in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea | ROTTMAN M. |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 27