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Browsing by Subject Phosphate
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2010 | Cell - specific extracellular phosphatase activity of Dinoflagellate populations in acidified mountain lakes | Novotna J.; Et Al. |
2000 | Contributionol of Phosphate Concentration through Adsorption and Desorption Processes in Groundwater and Seawater Mixing at Sandy Beaches in Tokyo Bay, Japan | Suzumura M.; Euda S.; Sumi E. |
2000 | Daily Variations in Nutrient Cocentrations of Seawater at 321 m Depth in Toyama Bay, Japan Sea | Watanabe M.; Ohtsu J.; Otsuki A. |
2007 | Evaluation of spatial correction between nutrient exchange rates and benthic biota in a reef flat ecosystem by GIS assisted flow tracking | Miyajima T.; Et Al. |
2013 | Một số đặc trưng về muối dinh dưỡng tại vùng biển Bình Thuận. | Phạm Hữu Tâm |
2009 | Nutrient dynamics in the upwelling area of Changjing (Yangtze River) estuary | Pei S.; Et Al. |
2011 | Nutrient variability in the mixed layer of the subarctic Pacific Ocean, 1987 - 2010 | Whitney F. A. |
2006 | Phosphogenesis on selected low atolls in the Near Equatorial Part of the Western Indian Ocean | Shkolnik E. L.; Et Al. |
2009 | Pulses of phosphate promote dominance of the toxic cyanophyte Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in a subtropical water reservoir | Posselt A. J.; Et Al. |
2002 | Regeneration of Cd, P, and N on the continental shelf of the East China Sea in summer | Abe K. |
2000 | Relationship between Cd and PO4 off the Ryukyu Islands | ABE K. |
1988 | Relationship between phosphate and phytoplankton in the South China Sea continental shelf waters | Wang Zhaoding; Lin Yonhshui |
2014 | Seasonal and spatial contrast in the surface layer nutrient content around the Kuroshio along 138oE, observed between 2002 | Kodama T.; et al. |
2012 | Species - specific variation in fatty acid concentrations of four phytoplankton species: Does phosphorus sypply influence the effect of light intesity or temperature | Piepho M.; Et Al. |
2001 | The effects of nitrogen and phosphate concentration on the growth, crude protein and total lipid of Tetraselmis sp. (in Vietnamese) | Ha Le Thi Loc; ĐỖ TUYẾT NGA |
2010 | Variation in cell size, nutrient depletion, and growth rates of the Southern Ocean diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (Bacillariophyceae) after prolonged iron limitation | Timmermans K. R.; Bas Van Der Wagt |
2001 | World Ocean Atlats 2001 - Volume 3: Nutrients, chlorophyll, plankton - Objectively analyzed fields and statistics: Phosphate, nitrate, silicate, chlorophyll, zooplankton biomass | NOAA |
Showing results 1 to 17 of 17