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Browsing by Subject Surface wave

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007A model for the propagation of nonlinear surface waves over viscous mudsKaihatu J. M.; Et Al.
2014Atmospheric boundary layer over steep surface wavesYuliya Troitskaya; Et Al.
2012Case study of the transformation of swells propagating into Sendai BayWei Y.; H. Kawamura
2006Eulerian versus Lagrangian approaches to the wave induced transport in the upper oceanWeber J. E. H.; Et Al.
2014Interaction of surface waves at very close wavenumbersAlexander V. Babanin; Et Al.
1972Methods in computational physics. Seismology:Surface waves and Earth oscillations.BOLT B. A.; ALDER B.; FERNBACH S.; ROTENBERG M. (Edit. )
2007Mobile layer thickness in sheet flow beneath random wavesMyrhaug D.; L. E. Holmedal
2007Note on sediment sorting in a sandy bed under standing water wavesLandry B. J.; Et Al.
2007On the circulation in the Puerto Moreles fringing reef lagoonCoronado C.; Et Al.
2009Retrieval of surface wave parameters from SAR images and their validation in the coastal seas around JapanSun J.; H. Kawamura
2006The effect of wave breaking on surface wave imaging by synthetic aperture radarSUN J.; Et Al.
1959Theory of surface waves (in Russian)Kraxnoxenxkovo M. A.; Moixeeva N. N.
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


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