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Browsing by Subject Suspended matter

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Dispersion of suspended matter in a supercritical river plume discharging in a microtidal sea: An ingrated approachArnoux-Chiavassa S.; Broche P.; Devenon J. L.; Et Al.
2006Distribution of seawater turbidity due to dissolved organic matter and suspended matter in Tokyo Bay and the correlation with Contributionibuting matterNarita; Et Al.
2009Distribution of turbidity and fluorescence of SPM in adjacent waters of Taiwan Bank in summerYi H.; Et Al.
1999Dynamique d'une population de Saumon atlantique dans un bassin versant du piemont pyreneen: questions d'echelles et de modelesCLEMENT O.
1999Electron microprobe analysis of suspended matter in the Angola BasinBERNARD P.; EISMA D.; VAN GRIEKEN R.
1998Hàm lượng một số kim loại nặng trong vật lơ lửng và trầm tích tầng mặt vịnh Bình Cang-Nha Trang. Bước đầu nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của nó đối với chất lượng môi trường nướcLê Thị Vinh; Phạm Văn Thơm; Dương Trọng Kiểm; Nguyễn Hồng Thu; Phạm Hữu Tâm
1999Image analysis as a tool for measuring particulate matter concentrations and gut content, body size, and clearance rates of estuarine copepods: validation and applicationBILLONES R. G.; TACKX M. L. M.; FLACHIER A. T.; ZHU L.; DARO M. H.
1992Mot so ket qua nghien cuu vat lo lung trong nuoc bien Vietnam (Some results of suspended matter investigation in the Sea Of Vietnam)NGUYỄN HỮU SỬU
1999Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar Strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to ti-bearing particlesDEKOV V. M.; VAN PUT A.; EISMA D.; VAN GRIEKEN R.
1999Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to tin-bearing particlesDekov V. M.; et al.
1999Single particle analysis of suspended matter in the Makasar strait and Flores Sea with particular reference to tin-bearing particlesDekov V. M.; Et Al.
2000Single particle and inorganic characterization of rainwater collected above the North SeaJambers W.; Dekov V.; Van Grieken R.
1999Single particle characterisation of inorganic and organic North Sea suspensionJAMBERS W.; DEKOV V.; VAN GRIEKEN R.
1999The Geometric Features, Shape Factors and Fractal Dimension of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Scheldt Estuary (Belgium)BILLIONES R. G.; TACKX M. L.; DARO M. H.
1991Vai net ve vat lo lung trong nuoc Vinh Bac Bo (Some features of the tidal mudflat sediments of coastal zone of North Vietnam)NGUYỄN CHU HỒI
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15


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