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Showing results 1676 to 1695 of 3190
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012M2 tidal dynamics in Bohai and Yellow Seas: a hybrid data assimilative modeling studyYao Z.; Et Al.
2009Macroalgae and seagrass Contribution to gastropods in sub-tropical and temperate tidal flatsDoi H.; Et Al.
2004Macrobenthic animal assemblages of the continental margin off Chile (22o to 48oS)Palma M.; Et Al.
2009Macrobenthic community structure and distribution in the Zwin nature reserve (Belgium and the Netherlands)Colen C. V.; Et Al.
2003Macrobenthic crustaceans in the diet of demersal fish in the Bay of Biscay in relation to abundance in the environmentSerrano A.; Et Al.
2003Macrobenthic resources of the shallow solf-bottom sediments in the eastern English Channel and southern North SeaDesroy N.; Et Al.
2006Macrofaunal burrowing: the medium is the message (in Oceanography and marine biology: An annual review - Volume 48, pp. 85-121)Dorgan K. M.; Et Al.
2009Macrofaunal community responses to marina - related pollution on the south coast of England and west coast of FranceCallier M. D.; Et Al.
2013Macroinfauna dynamics and sediment parameters of a subtropical estuarine lake - Coombabah lake (Southern Moreton Bay, Australia)Dunn R. J. K.; Et Al.
2008Magnitude of mesozooplankton variability: a case study from the Marginal Ice Zone of the Barents Sea in springKatarzyna Blachowiak-Samolyk; Et Al.
2012Major developmental regulators and their expression in two closely related species of Porphyra (Rhodophyta).Stiller J. H.; Et Al.
2011Male germ cells of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: flow cytometry analysis, cell sorting and molecular expressionFranco A.; Et Al.
2013Man - induced regime shifts in small estuaries - I: a comparision of riversWinterwerp J. C.; Et Al.
2006Management of uncertainty in predicting climate change impacts on beachesCowell P. J.; Et Al.
2006Management strategies for red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) fisheries in the Catalan sea (NW Mediterranean) based on bioeconomic simulation analysisMaynou F.; Et Al.
2010Mandibular fractures in short - finned pilot whales, Globicephala macrorhynchusOremland; M. S.; Et Al.
2006Manganese carbonates in the upper quaternary sediments of the Deryugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk)Astkhov A. S.; Et Al.
2009Mangrove derived organic carbon in sediment from Zhangjiang estuary (China) mangrove wetlandXue B.; Et Al.
2006Mangrove guidebook for Southeast AsiaGiesen W.; Et Al.
2001Mangrove pneumatophore arthropod assemblages and temporal patternsProches S.; Et Al.
Showing results 1676 to 1695 of 3190
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