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Showing results 2269 to 2288 of 3190
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1999Qua trinh len men sinh tong hop polysaccarit nho hai chung vi khuan duoc phan lap tu gieng khoang dau khi o mo dau Bach HoLAI THUY HIEN; TRAN DINH MAN; DANG PHUONG NGA; Et Al.
2002Quahogs in Eastern North America: Part I, Biology, Ecology, and Historical UsesMacKENZIE C. L.; Et Al.
1964Quần đoàn vi sinh vật đại dương toàn cầu: Thành phần loài, phân bố địa lý (sách tiếng Nga)Krixx A. E.; Et Al.
2008Quantification of changes in current intensities induced by wave overtopping around low-crested structuresCáceres I.; Et Al.
2010Quantification of waste feed and fish feces using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopesYokoyama H.; Et Al.
2011Quantifying causes of discard variability: An indispensable assistance to discard estimation and a paramount need for policy measuresUhlmann S. S.; Et Al.
2000Quantifying daily migration in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividusCrook A. C.; Et Al.
2014Quantitative estimation of longshore sediment transport based on thermoluminescence: Two case studies around Tenryu and Nile river mouthsAhmed M. T. T.; Et Al.
2012Quantitative nanomechanical mapping of marine diatom in seawater using peak force tapping atomic force microscopyPletikapic G.; Et Al.
2013Quantum requirements for growth and fatty acid biosynthesis in the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum (Bacillariophyceae) in nitrogen replete and limited conditionsFrada M. J.; Et Al.
2006Quarry blast exploration of the underground structure around Northern part of Hua-Tung longitudinal valley. Taiwan: Second issueBaba H.; Et Al.
2009Quasiperiodic small meanders of the Kuroshio off Cape Ashizuri and their inter-annual modulation cased by quasiperiodic arrivals of mesoscale eddiesKashima M.; Et Al.
2006Quaternary phosphatized limestones with initial Fe-Mn mineralization from the Kammu Seamount (Milwaukee seamounts, Northern Pacific)Shkol'nik E. L.; Et Al.
2009Radionuclides as tracers of water fronts in the South Indian Ocean -Antares VI resultsLee S. H.; Et Al.
2008Radula synthesis by three species of iron mineralizing molluscs: production rate and elemental demandShaw J. A.; Et Al.
2008Range wide population structure and history of the northern quahog (Merceneria merceneria) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence dataBaker P.; Et Al.
2013RANS v2 - f simulation of a swash event: detailed flow structureDesombre J.; Et Al.
2011Ranzania laevis (Pennant, 1776) (Tetraodontiformes, Molidae): a rare fish in marine waters of IraqJawad L. A.; Et Al.
2005Rapid - response indicators of changes in resource state based on Mediterranean bottom-trawl surveysRagonese S.; Et Al.
2011Rapid stable isotope turnove of larval fish in a lake superior coastal wetland: Implications for diet and life history studiesHoffman J. C.; Et Al.
Showing results 2269 to 2288 of 3190
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