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Showing results 3097 to 3116 of 3190
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Valeriemaya seagriefii sp. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) from South AfricaDe Clerck O.; Et Al.
2006Validating results from the model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modelling System), with respect to volume transports and heat fluxes in the Nordic SeasLien V. S.; Et Al.
2012Validation of a new generation system for bottom boundary layer beneath solitary waveTanaka H.; Et Al.
2012Validation of an advective deterministic approach to short wave breaking in a surf-beat modelDaly C.; Et Al.
2009Validation of daily sagittal increments in the golden - spotted rabbitfish Siganus guttatus (Bloch) using known-age larvae and juvenilesSoliman V.; Et Al.
2013Validation of semi-analytical inversion models for inherent optical properties from ocean color in coastal Yellow Sea and East China SeaHuang J.; Et Al.
2005Value of indicators for assessing recent mating in brachyuran crabsDuluc C.; Et Al.
2006Valve - gape response times in mussels (Mytillus edulis) - Effects of laboratory preceding conditions and in situ tidally induced variation in phytoplankton biomassRiisgard H. U.; Et Al.
2003Variabilité des descripteurs physiques, chimiques et photoplanctonique dans des étangs d'alevinage - Station de la Deroua, Béni-Mellal, Maroc (Physical, chemical and phytoplankton variability in fry ponds (Deroua farm, Beni-Mellal, Morocco)Hasnaoui M.; Et Al.
2009Variability in the diet of New Zealand sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) at the Auckland islands, New ZealandMeynier L.; Et Al.
2012Variability in the primary site of photosynthetic damage in Symbiodinium sp. (Dinophyceae) exposed to thermal stressCollier J. L.; Et Al.; Buxton; L.; Et Al.
2006Variability of fire behavior, fire effects, and emissions in Scotch pine forests of central SiberiaMcrae D. J.; Et Al.
2012Variability of the Bering Sea circulation in the period 1992 - 2010Panteleev G.; Et Al.
2006Variability of the horizontal velocity structure in the upper 1600m of the water column on the equator at 10oWBunge L.; Et Al.
2014Variation in amino acid content and its relationship to nitrogen content and growth rate in Ulva ohnoi (Chlorophyta)Alex R. Angell; Et Al.
2011Variation in anatomical and material properties explains differences in hydrodynamic performances of foliose res macroalgae (Rhodophyta)Demes K.; Et Al.
2014Variation in elemental stoichiometry of the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae) in response to combined nutrient stress and changes in carbonate chemistryDarren R. Clark; Et Al.
2007Variation in internal Delta 15N and Delta 13C distributions and their bulk values in the brown macroalga Padina australis growing in subtropical oligotrophic watersUmezawa Y.; Et Al.
2012Variation in the abundance of Synechococcus sp. CC9311 NARB MRNA relative to changes in light, nitrogen growth conditions and nitrate assimilation.Paerl R. W.; Et Al.
2011Variation of diet and food consumption of the Scaldfish Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum, 1972)Paulo-Martins; C.; Et Al.
Showing results 3097 to 3116 of 3190
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