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Browsing by Author Adrianov A. V.
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 1998 | A Check-List of Biota of The Peter The Great Bay, The Sea of Japan | Adrianov A. V.; O. G. Kussakin |
2007 | Biota of the Russian waters of the sea of Japan - Vol. 1: Crustacea (Cladocera, leptostraca, mysidacea, euphausiacea) and pycnogonida | Adrianov A. V. |
2005 | Biota of the Russian waters of the sea of Japan - Vol. 3: Brachiopoda and phoronida | Adrianov A. V. |
2006 | Biota of the Russian waters of the sea of Japan - Vol. 5: Crustacea (Thoracira and Factetotecta) | Adrianov A. V. |
2008 | Biota of the Russian waters of the sea of Japan - Vol. 7: Reptilians | Adrianov A. V. |
2008 | Biota of the Russian Waters of the Sea of Japan, Vol. 6: Polyclad Turbellarians, Leeches, Oligochaetes, and Echiurans | Adrianov A. V. |
2010 | Reproduction and development of common species of peanut worms (Sipuncula) from the Sea of Japan (In Russian) | Adrianov A. V.; A. S. Maiorova |
2015 | The microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of the contractile vessel in the sipumculan Themiste hexadactyla (Sato, 1930)(Sipuncula: Sipunculidea) | Adrianov A. V.; A. S. Maiorova |
2015 | The microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of the nephridium of the sipunculan Themiste hexadactyla (Sato, 1930)(Sipuncula: Sipunculidea) | Adrianov A. V.; A. S. Maiorova |
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9