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Showing results 1 to 20 of 57
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A Comprehensive Evaluation of Dioxins and Furans Occurrence in River Sediments from a Secondary Steel Recycling Craft Village in Northern VietnamNguyen, Hung Xuan; Nguyen, Thi Xuyen; Hang, Thi Hong Mai; Nguyen, Thi Huong; Vu, Duc Nam; Pham, Thi Phuong Thao; Nguyen, Quang Trung; Nguyen, Tien Dat; Duong, Thanh Nam; Hoang, Le Anh Tuan; Nguyen, Ngoc Tung; Le, Van Nhan; Dao, Viet Ha; Truong, Ngoc Minh; Bui, Quang Minh
2021A new arrowtooth eel of genus Meadia (Synaphobranchidae: Ilyophinae) from Vietnam, South China SeaVo, Van Quang; Ho, Hsuan Ching; Dao, Viet Ha; Tran, Thi Hong Hoa
2022A special issue on the 100th Anniversary of Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam Academy of Science and TechnologyNguyen, Ngoc Lam; Dao, Viet Ha; Lund-Hansen, Lars Chresten; Vo, Si Tuan; Smith Jr, Walker O.
2021Analysis of rDNA reveals a high genetic diversity of Halophila major in the Wallacea regionNguyen, Xuan Vy; Nguyen, Nhat Nhu Thuy; Nguyen, Thi Xuan Thuy; Dao, Viet Ha; Liao, Lawrence M.; Papenbrock, Jutta
2020Antimicrobial Activities of Sponge-Derived Microorganisms from Coastal Waters of Central VietnamPham, Thi Mien; Dao, Viet Ha; Hoang, Xuan Ben; Chen, Bin; Liu, Lan; Phan, Minh Thu
2020Antimicrobial Activities of Sponge-Derived Microorganisms from Coastal Waters of Central VietnamPham, Thi Mien; Dao, Viet Ha; Hoang, Xuan Ben; Chen, Bin; Liu, Lan; Phan, Minh Thu
2022Antipredator Defenses in Soft Corals of the Genus Sarcophyton (Octocorallia; Alcyoniidae) from Coastal Waters of Central VietnamHoang, Xuan Ben; Thai, Minh Quang; Phan, Minh Thu; Pham, Xuan Ky; Nguyen, Ngoc Tung; Dao, Viet Ha
2020Bacteria associated with soft coral from Mot island - Nha Trang bay and their antimicrobial activitiesPham, Thi Mien; Nguyen, Kim Hanh; Vo, Hai Thi; Nguyen, Minh Hieu; Dao, Viet Ha
2020Bacteria associated with soft coral from Mot island - Nha Trang bay and their antimicrobial activities.Pham, Thi Mien; Nguyen, Kim Hanh; Vo, Hai Thi; Nguyen, Minh Hieu; Dao, Viet Ha
2024Baseline study on the seagrass distribution and species diversity of the seagrass at West Sea (Viet Nam) with integrated approachesNguyen, Nhat Thuy; Lau, Va Khin; Nguyen, Xuan Thuy; Nguyen, Trung Hieu; Nguyen, Thi My Ngan; Dao, Viet Ha; Nguyen, Xuan Vy
2023Central composite design-based response surface methodology for optimization of tetrodotoxin extraction from the horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotundicaudaTran, Dang Thuan; Dinh, T. Cuc; Dang, T. Mai; Do, T. Cam Van; Le, Ho Khanh Hy; Le, Truong Giang; Dao, Viet Ha
2020Changes in brain and pituitary GnRH levels during a reproductive cycle in wild female Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790)Pham, Xuan Ky; Dao, Viet Ha; Amano, M.
2024Characterizing of ITS2 secondary structures reveals the geographical differentiation of seagrass Halophila ovalis (Hydrocharitaceae) in the worldNguyen, Thi XuanThuy; Nguyen, Nhat Nhu Thuy; Nguyen, Trung Hieu; Nguyen, Manh Linh; Cao, Van Luong; Nguyen, Thi My Ngan; Dao, Viet Ha; Nguyen, Xuan Vy
2022Ciguatoxin in moray eels raising the risk for seafood safety in Viet NamDao, Viet Ha; Le, Ho Khanh Hy; Le, Thi Thu Thao; Pham, Xuan Ky; Bui, Minh Quang; Chan, Leo Lai
2022Current advances in seagrass research: A review from Viet NamNguyen, Xuan Vy; Phan, Thi Thuy Hang; Cao, Van Luong; Nguyen, Nhat Nhu Thuy; Nguyen, Trung Hieu; Nguyen, Xuan Thuy; Lau, Va Khin; Hoang, Cong Tin; Nguyen, Thi My Ngan; Nguyen, Manh Hung; Dao, Viet Ha; Teichberg, Mirta; Papenbrock, Jutta
2024Cytotoxic and antimicrobial metabolites from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. OPR23-FS01Ninh, Thi Ngoc; Tran, Hong Quang; Tran, Thi Hong Hanh; Nguyen, Xuan Cuong; Vu, Thi Quyen; Nguyen, Thi Thanh Ngan; Dao, Viet Ha; Nguyen, Hoai Nam; Chau, Van Minh
2006Dinophysis spp. recorded in waters of northern Vietnam the coastal during 2002-2003Nguyen, Van Nguyen; Dao, Viet Ha; Le, Thanh Tung
2017Độc tính của một số mẫu cá Hồng gây ngộc độc thực phẩm tại Việt Nam [Toxicity of some red snapper specimens implicated in food poisonings in Vietnam]Dao, Viet Ha
2006Domoic acid in a bivalve Sepondylus cruentus in Nha Trang Bay, Khanh Hoa Province,VietnamDao, Viet Ha; Takata, Yoshinobu; Sato, Shigeru; Fukuzo, Yasuwo; Kodama, Masaaki
2023Effect of environmental parameters on the content and sugar composition of sulfated polysaccharides in some tropical seagrassNguyen, Xuan Vy; Nguyen, Nhat Nhu Thuy; Nguyen, Xuan Thuy; Le, Ho Khanh Hy; Pham, Duc Thinh; Dao, Viet Ha
Showing results 1 to 20 of 57
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