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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008A review on culture, production and use of spirulina as food for humans and feeds for domestic animals and fishFAO
1952Activites de la FAO - au titre du Programme Elargi D'Assistance Technique 1950-1952FAO
2006An indexed list of FAO publications related to aquaculture, 1964 - 2005FAO
2010Aquaculture development - 4. Ecosystem approach to aquacultureFAO
2008Aquaculture development: Genetic resource managementFAO
1976Aquaculture planning in AsiaFAO
2005Aquatic telemetry : Advances and applicationsFAO
2007Assessment of freshwater fish resources for sustainable aquacultureFAO
1976Assessment of the effects of pollution on fisheries and aquaculture in JapanFAO
1998Bulletin of fishery statistics (1970 - 1995)FAO
2004Capture - based aquaculture: The fattening of eels, groupers, tunas and yellowtailsFAO
1969Careers in marine scienceFAO
1965Comite consultatif de recherche sur les ressources de la merFAO
1978Commission oceanography intergouvernementaleFAO
2012EAF Toolbook the ecosystem approach to fishriesFAO
2003Enhancing or restoring the productivity of natural populations of shellfish and other marine invertebrate resourcesFAO
2010Environmental impact assessment and monitoring in aquaculture: Requirements, practices, effectiveness and improvementsFAO
1997FAO directives techniques pour une peche responsable. 2- L'approche de precaution appliquee aux peches de capture et aux introductions d'especesFAO
1979FAO documentation- Current bibliographyFAO
1984FAO documentation. Fisheries-pĂȘches-pesca 1979-1983FAO
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