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Browsing by Author HA VAN CHIEN

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995Bieu hien cua dut gay vo trai dat trong truong tu Bien Dong Vietnam (Appearence of the earth crust faults on the magnetic anomalous field in the East sea )HA VAN CHIEN
1997Cac di tich Foraminifera trong tram tich bai bien dao Nam Yet, quan dao Truong Sa (vietnam) va y nghia cua chung(Remains of foraminifera from the beach sands of Nam Yet, Truong Sa archipelago(Vietnam)NGUYỄN NGỌC; NGUYỄN HỮU CỬ; HA VAN CHIEN
1998Cac di tich foraminifera trong tram tich bai bien dao Nam Yet, quan dao Truong Sa (Vietnam) va y nghia cua chung.NGUYỄN NGỌC; NGUYỄN HỮU CỬ; HA VAN CHIEN
1996Dac diem truong tu T cua cac vat the 3 chieu trong mien vi do tu gan xich dao vung them luc dia Vietnam (Features of magnetic field T the 3-D models in the equatorial region of the vietnam shelf)HOANG VAN VUONG; HA VAN CHIEN; TRAN TUAN DUNG.
1995Giai bai toan nguoc trong luc xac dinh ranh gioi phan chia mat do theo phuong phap cuc tieu hoa cua Marquardt(Solution of gravity inverse problems to determine the density surfaces on the minimizationDO DUC THANH; HA VAN CHIEN
1997Xac dinh be day tram tich Kainozoi vung vinh Bac Bo bang viec giai bai toan nguoc trong luc voi mo hinh 3 chieu (Determining the Cenozoic sediment thickness in Bacbo gulf region .....)HA VAN CHIEN; DO DUC THANH; BÙI CÔNG QUẾ
1996Xac dinh ham mat do-do sau vung trung Song Hong (Determination of deep-desity function in the Red river basin)HA VAN CHIEN; DO DUC THANH; DO HUY CUONG
1996Xu ly ba chieu tai lieu di thuong trong luc xac dinh do sau day be tram tich Cuu Long tren may vi tinh(Three-dimensional interpretation of graviry anomaly data to determine the depth of the Cuulong..BÙI CÔNG QUẾ; DO DUC THANH; HA VAN CHIEN
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8


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