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Browsing by Author NGUYEN VAN LUONG

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Buoc dau khao sat cac dac diem dia vat ly va vat ly khi quyen tren vung quan dao Truong Sa(Preliminary results of the geophysical and physicatmospherical investigation in the Truong Sa islands)BÙI CÔNG QUẾ; NGUYEN VAN LUONG; Et Al
1995Cac dac diem phan bo bien do cua song ngang s va nhung hieu ung nguon truong chan dong cua cac dong dat kien tao(The features of s-wave amplitude distribution and the source effects in macroseismic...NGUYEN VAN LUONG; BUI NHI THANH; BUI THI XUAN
1997Dac diem truong ung suat va bien dang vo Trai dat trong khu vuc lanh tho va bien Vietnam ( Characteristics of the stress and strain fields in the mainland and sea of Vietnam )NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1978Diem lai cac cong trinh dieu tra nghien cuu co ban dong vat day bien Vietnam (A review of the preliminary surveys on benthos in Vietnam)Nguyễn Văn Chung; Đào Tấn Hỗ; LE TRONG MINH; TON THAT THONG; TRAN DINH NAM; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1996Loc nhieu cac bang dia chan bang phuong phap tuong quan (Noise filtration of exploratory seismological bands by the correlative method)NGUYEN DUC VINH; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1997Mot phuong phap xac dinh he so hap thu song dia chan (A method of determining the absorption coefficient of seismic waves)NGUYEN DUC VINH; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1997Nghien cuu dac diem song dia chan phan xa tu dut gay truoc guong lo tren mo hinh toan(Studing characteristics of the refleetec seismic waves from afault in front of a cellar mirror on the cal. model )NGUYEN DUC VINH; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1997Nhung ket qua moi nghien cuu nuoc ngam tren dao Truong Sa (New research results of underground water in Truong Sa island)NGUYEN VAN LUONG; BUI THI XUAN; BUI NHI THANH
1998Nhung ket qua nghien cuu nuoc ngam tren dao Truong sa (New research results of underground water in Truong Sa island)NGUYEN VAN LUONG; BUI THI XUAN; BUI NHI THANH
1996Su dung may tinh giai cac bai toan thuan dia chan tham do (Using PC to solve some direct problems of seismic exploration)NGUYEN DUC VINH; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
1998The seismicity in the east sea and adjacent areasNGUYEN VAN LUONG; BUI NHI THANH; BUI THI XUAN
1995Tinh pho toc do diem sau chung trong phuong phap tham do dia chan (Estimation of the speed spectrum for common deep points in seismic survey)NGUYEN DUC VINH; DO DUC THANH; NGUYEN VAN LUONG
Showing results 1 to 12 of 12


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