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Browsing by Author Nguyen, Ngoc Lam
Showing results 1 to 20 of 40
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | 2011 | A model for the prediction of harmful algae blooms in the Vietnamese upwelling area | Dippner, Joachim W.; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Doan, Nhu Hai |
2022 | A special issue on the 100th Anniversary of Institute of Oceanography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Dao, Viet Ha; Lund-Hansen, Lars Chresten; Vo, Si Tuan; Smith Jr, Walker O. |
2021 | Bacterial Composition Associated With Giant Colonies of the Harmful Algal Species Phaeocystis globosa | Zhu, Zhu; Meng, Rui; Smith Jr, Walker O.; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Jiang, Xinjun |
2021 | Comparing the performance of machine learning algorithms for remote and in situ estimations of chlorophyll-a content: A case study in the Tri An Reservoir, Vietnam | Nguyen, Hoa Quang; Ha, Nam Thang; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Pham, Thanh Luu |
2022 | Copepods key traits in diverse habitats of tropical waters | Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Tam Vinh; Do, Huu Hoang; Montoya, Joseph P.; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2010 | Development of Phaeocystis globosa blooms in the upwelling waters of the South Central coast of Viet Nam | Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Dippner, Joachim W. |
2023 | Diatom-Diazotroph Associations in hydrographically defined habitats of the South China Sea | Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Sarah, C Weber; Doan, Nhu Hai; Ajit, Subramaniam; Maren, Voss; Joseph, P Montoya |
2024 | Dinoflagellate composition and environmental conditions in the Xuan Dai Bay, South-Central Vietnam | Huynh, Thi Ngoc Duyen; Tran, Thi Minh Hue; Tran, Tran Thi Le Van; Phan, Tan Luom; Nguyen, Tam Vinh; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Doan, Nhu Hai |
2024 | Dinoflagellate composition and environmental conditions in the Xuan Dai Bay, South-Central Vietnam | Huynh, Thi Ngoc Duyen; Tran, Thi Minh Hue; Tran, Thi Le Van; Phan, Tan Luom; Nguyen, Tam Vinh; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Doan, Nhu Hai |
2021 | Dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments at Van
Phong Bay, Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam: distribution, abundance and potentially harmful algal blooms. | Phan, Tan Luom; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2022 | Dinoflagellate Tripos furca and Tripos fusus niches in the South China Sea: Maximum entropy assessment of environmental factors | Huynh, Thi Ngoc Duyen; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Voss, Maren; Doan, Nhu Hai |
2024 | Diversity of marine macroalgae species from Hai Van - Son Cha MPA (Thua Thien Hue province) in Central Vietnam: A historical overview of research and publications | Nguyen, Manh Linh; Nguyen, Xuan Vy; Kim, Myung-Sook; Vieira, Christophe; Nguyen, Van Quan; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2022 | Diversity of Silica-Scaled Chrysophytes of Two Tropical Islands: Phu Quoc and Con Son (Viet Nam) | Gusev, Evgeniy; Martynenko, Nikita; Kapustin, Dmitry; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2024 | Ecological investigations of giant Phaeocystis colonies in Viet Nam: I. Cell abundance and elemental composition | Meng, Rui; O. Smith Jr, Walker; Cao, Ruobing; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Wang, Jinxiu |
2024 | Ecological investigations of giant Phaeocystis colonies in Viet Nam: II. Photosynthesis—irradiance characteristics and nitrogen uptake | Meng, Rui; Smith, Walker O.; Cao, Ruobing; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2002 | Effects of benthic diatoms, fluff layer, and sediment conditions on critical shear stress in a non-tidal coastal environment | Lund-Hansen, Lars Chresten; Laima, Mario; Mouritsen, Kim; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Doan, Nhu Hai |
2021 | Environmental regulation of the nitrogen supply, mean trophic position, and trophic enrichment of mesozooplankton in the Mekong River plume and southern South China Sea | Weber, Sarah C.; Loick Wilde, Natalie; Montoya, Joseph P.; Bach, Melvin; Doan, Nhu Hai; Ajit, Subramaniam; Iris, Liskow; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Dirk, Wodarg; Maren, Voss |
2022 | Factors regulating growth pattern and condition factor of an amphibious fish Periophthalmus gracilis living in the Mekong Delta | Dinh, Quang Minh; Nguyen, Ton Huu Duc; Truong, Ngon Trong; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam |
2023 | Gambierdiscus (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) diversity in Vietnamese waters with description of G. vietnamensis sp. nov. | Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Jacob, Larsen; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Xuan Vy; Nicolas, Chomérat; Nina, Lundholm; Phan, Tan Luom; Dao, Viet Ha; Nguyen, Ngoc Lan; Nguyen, Huy Hoang; Chu, Van Thuoc |
2014 | Giantism and its role in the harmful algal bloom species Phaeocystis globosa | Smith, Walker O.; Liu, Xiao; Tang, Kam W.; DeLizo, Liza M.; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Wang, Xiaodong |
Showing results 1 to 20 of 40