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Browsing by Author Vien Hai Duong Hoc

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991Buoc dau nghien cuu su suy thoai cua ran san ho vung bien ven bo nam Vietnam (Apreliminary research on the degeneration of coral reefs in the coastal waters of Vietnam)Võ Sĩ Tuấn; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Ca bien vung quan dao Truong Sa (The marine fishes in Truong Sa islands)Nguyễn Hữu Phụng; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Ca bot loai Ca Thu Cham Scomberomorus (Bloch and Schneider) o vinh Bac Bo (Larvae of spotted Spannish Mackerel Scomberomorus Guttatus (B.et S.) in Bac Bo Gulf)Nguyễn Hữu Phụng; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Cac kieu ran San Ho vung quan dao Truong Sa (The types of coral reefs in Truong Sa Archipelago area)TRỊNH THẾ HIẾU; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Chien luoc va cac bien phap kha thi cho viec khai thac hop ly, bao ve va phat trien nguon loi Yen Sao Vietnam(Study on the stratery and realisable measures for rational exploit. of the Edible- Nest..NGUYỄN QUANG PHÁCH; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Dac diem sinh hoc va kha nang nuoi trong loai ca ngua den(Hippocampus) o vung bien Khanhhoa(Study on biology and technique breeding and culturing seahorses in Khanhhoa)TRUONG SĨ KỲ; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Dac diem song gio trong cac mua gio chinh vong bien Can Gio(Duyen Hai) TP.HCM (Characteristics of the wind in the chief wind seasons in the coastal region HCM.City)Bùi Hồng Long; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Mot so ket qua nghien cuu nguon loi Diep CHLAMYS NOBILIS(Rev.)o vung bien Thuan Hai(Some study results on the scallop research (Chlamys nobilis(Rev.) in Khanhhoa province)Võ Sĩ Tuấn; Nguyễn Hữu Phụng; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Mot so loai rong Eucheuma o ven bien Mien Trung Vietnam (On some species of Euchema in Vietnam)NGUYỄN HỮU ĐẠI; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Nghien cuu cau truc sinh san cua Artemia trong dieu kien tu nhien dong muoi Cam Ranh(Khanhhoa)(Study on the reproduction structure of Artemia in the natural conditions of Cam Ranh salt field on KH)Nguyễn Ngọc Lâm; VŨ ĐỖ QUỲNH; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Nguon loi Hai Sam (Holothurioidea) o vung bien phia Nam Vietnam (Holothurians resources in the sea of South Vietnam)Đào Tấn Hỗ; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Nguon loi rong mo(Sargassum)ven bien Mien Trung Vietnam (Resources of Sargassum communities on the coast of Central Vietnam)NGUYỄN HỮU ĐẠI; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Nhung dac diem noi bat cua cac truong thuy van Bien Dong (Notable physics-hydrographical field features in the East sea)LÃ VĂN BÀI; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Nhung hien tuong Vat ly -Hai duong hoc dac biet tren them luc dia nam Vietnam (Some hydrothermodynamical phenomena on the continental shelf of south Vietnam)Lê Phước Trình; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Phan bo vung dong chay khu vuc khai thac dau khi tren them luc dia Nam Vietnam (Dynamical zoning the region of petroleum exportation in the south Vietnam continental shelf)Võ Văn Lành; Bùi Hồng Long; PHAN PHÙNG; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Su bien doi dia hinh bai theo thoi gian tai khu vuc mui Can Gio, huyen Duyen Hai TP.HCM(Some features on the role of geological structures in the formation and development of relief of VN coti.shelf)Nguyễn Văn Tạc; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Tinh toan cau truc dong chay gio trong vung khai thac dau khi tren them luc dia Nam Viet(The structure of the winddriven current in the region of petroleum exploitation in the south VN Conti. Shelf)Võ Văn Lành; PHAN PHÙNG; DINH VAN HOI; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
1991Tram tich them luc dia phan phia nam Vietnam (Sedimentary of continental shelf of south Vietnam)TRỊNH THẾ HIẾU; Vien Hai Duong Hoc
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18


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