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Browsing by Subject Earth crust

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1995Bieu hien cua dut gay vo trai dat trong truong tu Bien Dong Vietnam (Appearence of the earth crust faults on the magnetic anomalous field in the East sea )HA VAN CHIEN
1995Cac kieu vo trai dat o vung Bien Dong Vietnam va lan can theo ket qua tong hop tai lieu dia chat, dia vat ly(Earth crust types of the east sea and its adjacent areas from the geologic and geophysic..NGUYỄN VĂN GIÁP; BÙI CÔNG QUẾ; LE TRAM; NGUYỄN THU HƯƠNG; DO HUY CUONG
1998Characteristics of the geophysical anomaly fields and earth crust structure in the Truong Sa archipelagoBÙI CÔNG QUẾ
1998Distribution characteristics of the pre-cenozoic basement in the southeast Vietnam continental shelf on the basis of volumetric structural modelling of the earth crustBÙI CÔNG QUẾ; HOANG VAN VUONG
1995Mot so dac trung cua cac truong dia vat ly va cau truc vo trai dat them luc dia Vietnam va Bien Dong(Some characteristics of the geophysical fields and the structure of the earth crust of the C.shelfBÙI CÔNG QUẾ; NGUYỄN VĂN GIÁP; NGUYỄN THU HƯƠNG; Et Al
1996Mot vai net co ban ve dac diem cau truc vo Trai dat vung quan dao Truong Sa theo cac so lieu dia vat ly (Some characteristics of the earth crust structure of the Truong Sa region based .....)BÙI CÔNG QUẾ; NGUYỄN VĂN GIÁP; Et Al.
1998Origin and evolution of earth. Principles of historical GeologyCONDIE K. C.; SLOAN R. E.
1998Some characteristics of geophisical fields and earth crust structure in Vietnam's continental shelf and the east Vietnam seaBÙI CÔNG QUẾ; NGUYỄN VĂN GIÁP; NGUYỄN THU HƯƠNG; Et Al
1996Su phan bo dong nhiet, nhiet do trong vo trai dat va su lien he voi cac yeu to dia dong luc o Bien Dong (Deep heat flow and temperature distribution, it's relation with geodynamic in the East sea)PHẠM VĂN THỤC
1997Ve moi tuong quan giua cac dac diem kien tao voi cau truc sau cua vo trai dat o khu vuc Dong Bac Vietnam (On the correlation between tectonic characteristics and deep structure of the earth crust...)NGUYỄN VĂN GIÁP
1996Ve moi tuong quan giua dia hinh va cau truc sau vo trai dat tren Bien Dong Vietnam (About correlation between the relief and deep structure in the East sea of Vietnam)BÙI CÔNG QUẾ; NGUYỄN THẾ TIỆP
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11


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