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Showing results 1 to 20 of 21195
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19881. Gazetteer, 2. Standardization of undersea feature names-
19671. Nephtyidae (polychaeta) from the Bay of Nhatrang 2. Polychaeta from the Bay of NhatrangFAUCHALD K.
19631. Propagation des ondes longitudinales dans le noyau terrestre; 2. Propositions données par la FacultéNguyen, Hai
19991.The Study on resistance and propulsion of a Catamaran - type high speed passenger ship with hydrofoils _ 2. The study strength of hydroils for a hybrid catamaran-type high speed passenger ship with hydrofoilsMIYAGAWA M.; TERAO Y.; MORIHANA H.
18871: Description d'un Amphidromus et d'un Cyclophorus nouveaux, provenant des iles Philippines (pp.36-58); 2: Recherches conchylioloques de M.Quadras aux iles Philippines. 1e partie: Mollusques...Philippines (pp.93-192)HIDALGO J. G.
201016S rRNA gene heterogeneity in the filamentous marine cyanobacterial genus LyngbyaEngene N.; Et Al.
19961996 annual reportWOODS HOLE OCEAN. INST.
19691ère Thèse:La vegetation des collines-calcaires de la region de Kienluong-Hatien.2ème Thèse:Sur l'application de la methodologie de l'ecole de zurich-montpellier dans l'etude phytosociologique ...Le Cong Kiet
201520 collected papersMULTI
201221st centuary fishries management: a spatio-temporally explicit tariff-based approach combining multiple drivers and incentivising responsible fishingKraak S. B. M.; Et Al.
200521st Meeting of European Union of Aquarium Curators (EUAC)Institut Océanographique De Monaco
20013-D Baroclinic numerical simulation of the South China Sea - I. Upper circulationCAI Shu-qun; GAN Zi-jun; SU Ji-lan; LIU Qin-yu
20093-D distribution of nongeniculate corallinales: a case study from a reef crest of South Sinai (Red Sea, Egypt)Caragnano A.; Et Al.
20153 collected reprints (3 collected reprints)MULTI
197230 ngày đêm ở độ sâu của dòng nước ấm từ vịnh Mexico chảy qua Đại Tây Dương đến Châu Âu - Tàu nghiên cứu Ben Franklin ở độ sâu biển AtlanticVoinov M. K.
20143D analytical solution to the tidally induced Lagrangian residual current equations in a narrow bayWensheng Jiang; Shizuo Feng
20243D bathymetric images of the Truong Sa Archipelago (Spratly Islands)Vu, Van Tac; Vu, Man Chau
20093D hydrodynamic characterisation of a meso-tidal harbour: The case Bilbao (northern Spain)Grifoll M.; Et Al.
19873e Colloque national sur la localisation en mer.ACTES et comptes rendus des discussions en séanceSHOM
19754000 mots les plus usités en russe.Dictionnaire élémentaire pour les écoles étrangères.CHANSKI N.
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21195
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