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Showing results 1806 to 1825 of 21195
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchMULTI
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchGRANT A. (Ed. )
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchGRANT A. (Ed. )
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchGRANT A.
1993Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater ResearchGRANT A. (Ed. )
1994Australian Marine Shells (Vol. 1 2)Wilson B.
1984Australian MuseumAustralian Museum
1987Australian seahorsesDAKIN W. J.
2001Australian species of Aristeidae and Benthesicymidae (Penaeoidae: Decapoda)Dall W.
1994Australopsyllus fallax gen. et sp. nov., the third known species of the family Thaumatopsyllidae (Copepoda: Cyclopoida)McKINNON A. D.
1998Austromitra maculosa, a new species of Costellariidae from South Africa (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Muricoidea)TURNER H.; SIMONE L. R. L.
2013Autecology and phylogeny of Coolia tropicalis and Coolia malayensis (Dinophyceae), with emphasis on taxonomy of C. tropicalis based on light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and LSU rDNAMohammad-Noor N.; Øjvind Moestrup; Nina Lundholm; Santiago Fraga; Aimimualiani Adam; Michael J. Holmes; Ejria Saleh
1999Authentication of Seafood Products by DNA PatternsBOSSIER P.
2015Autoclassification versus Cognitive Interpretation of Digital Bathymetric Data in Terms of Geomorphological Features for Seafloor CharacterizationFinkl C. W.; C. Makowski
2001Autoecology of the heart urchin, Echinocardium cordatum, in the muddy sediment of the Seto Inland Sea, JapanNakamura Y.
1999Automatic recording of the radular activity of dogwhelks (Nucella lapillus) drilling mussels (Mytilus edulis)Rovero F.; R. N. Hughes; G. Chelazzi
2000Autotomy and regeneration of limbs in the male blue king crab Paralithodes platypus from the Bering and Okhotsk Seas (in Russian)Lysenko V. N.; Et Al
2013Auxin and cytokinin relationships in 24 microalgal strainsStirk W. A.; Et Al.
2010Availability of genetically modified feed ingredients for rainbow trout Oncorhnchus mykissSatoh S.; P. Chainark
2006Average grain size parameters of unlithified sediments in the world oceanSval'nov V. N.; T. N. Alekseeva
Showing results 1806 to 1825 of 21195
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