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Showing results 7681 to 7700 of 21169
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002G-field theoryHa Huy Bang; Cao Thi Vi Ba
2006Gabriel T. Csanady: Understanding the physics of the oceanPelegri J. L.; Et Al.
1997GalaxeaSesoko Mar. Sci. Center; Univ. of The Ryukyus
2001Galeoides Gunther, 1860, a monotyoic genus of the family Polynemidae (Perciformes)Motomura H.; E. Mikschi; Iwatsuki Y.
1998Galeruca malakkana spec.nov.from Malaysia (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae)MOHAMEDSAID M. S.
2023Gambierdiscus (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) diversity in Vietnamese waters with description of G. vietnamensis sp. nov.Nguyen, Ngoc Lam; Jacob, Larsen; Doan, Nhu Hai; Nguyen, Xuan Vy; Nicolas, Chomérat; Nina, Lundholm; Phan, Tan Luom; Dao, Viet Ha; Nguyen, Ngoc Lan; Nguyen, Huy Hoang; Chu, Van Thuoc
2010Gametogenesis and gamete release of Ulva mutabilis and Ulva lactuga (Chlorophyta): regulatory effects and chemical characterization of the Swarming inhibitorWichard T.; W. Oertel
1999Gametogenesis and spawning in the subtidal white clam Spisula solida, in relation to temperatureGaspar M. B.; C. C. Monteiro
1995Gametogenesis pattern of the first spawning specimens of greenling, Pleurogrammus azonusVdovin A. N.; Kornienko E. S.; Drodov A. L.
2000Gametogenic cycle and reproductive effort of the tropical blacklip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera (Bivalvia: Pterridae), cultivated in Takapoto atoll (French Polynesia)POUVREAU S.; GANGNERY A.; TIAPARI J.; LAGARDE F.; GARNIER M.; BODOY A.
2008Gametogenic cycle of the smooth clam Callista chione on the south - western coast of PortugalMoura P.; Et Al.
2009Gametogenic development and spawning of the mud clam, Polymesoda erosa (Solander, 1876) at Chorao island, GoaClemente S.; B. Ingole
1967Gammaridean Amphipoda from the South China SeaIMBACH M. L.
1972Gammaridean amphipoda of Australia, part IJ. Laurens Barnard
1974Gammaridean amphipoda of Australia, part IIJ. Laurens Barnard
1978Gammaridean amphipoda of Australia, part III: The phoxocephalidaeJ. Laurens Barnard; Margaret M. Drummond
1979Gammaridean amphipoda of Australia, part IVJ. Laurens Barnard; Margaret M. Drummond
1994Gammarus (Crustacea, Amphipoda) from Svalbard and Franz Josef Land. distribution and densityWESLAWSKI J. M.
2002Gammarus emiensis, a new species of amphipod crustacean from Sichuan province, ChinaHou Z. E.; Et Al.
1975Gas-liquid chromatography.ACKMAN R. G.
Showing results 7681 to 7700 of 21169
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