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Showing results 9638 to 9657 of 21206
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997J. of fish diseasesROBERTS R. J.; WOOTTEN R. (Ed. )
1997J.Fish diseaseMULTI
1988Jacques Cousteau - WhalesJacques Cousteau; Yves Paccalet
1977Jamaica spiny lobster investigationsAIKEN K. A.
1968Japan's technical level and consulting engineersARAI; HIROTA. . .
1955Japanese internal-combustion engines for marine use 1955-
1959Japanese internal combustion enginesfor marine use 1959-
1983Je parlerai fran‡ais.VLADIMIROVA E. D.; ROUDTCHENKO L. S.
2008Jellyfish blooms: Crambionella orsini (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae) in the Gulf of Oman, Iran, 2002 - 2003Daryanabard R.; M. N. Dawson
2007Jellyfish patch formation investigated by aerial photography and drifter experimentMagome S.; Et Al.
1955Jena Glass for laboratories.-
1988Joint CCOP-IOC working group on post-IDOE studies of East Asian tectonics and resources; Fourteenth sessionUNESCO
1987Joint CCOP-IOC working group on post-IDOE studies of East Asian tectonics and resources; Thirteenth sessionUNESCO
1985Joint CCOP-IOC working group on post-IDOE studies of South-East Asian tectonics and resources; Eleventh sessionUNESCO
1986Joint CCOP-IOC working group on post-IDOE studies of South-East Asian tectonics and resources; Twelfth sessionUNESCO
1988Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC working group on South Pacific tectonics and resources (STAR); Fourth sessionUNESCO
1986Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC working group on South Pacific tectonics and resources (STAR); Third sessionUNESCO
1988Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC working group on South Pacific tectonics and resources(STAR); Fourth sessionUNESCO
1985Joint CCOP/SOPAC-IOC working group on South Pacific tectonics and resources(STAR); Second sessionUNESCO
1994Joint CMM-IGOSS-IODE sub-group on ocean satellites and remote sensing (first session)UNESCO
Showing results 9638 to 9657 of 21206
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