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Showing results 15070 to 15089 of 21195
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Radar imaging of the ocean wavesKanevsky M. B.
1959Radiactividad del aire a rivel del suelo en BogotaRAMIREZ J. E.
1999Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and OceanTHOMAS G. E.; STAMNES K.
1978Radioactive waste disposal in the oceansFROSCH R. A.; HOLLISTER C. D.; DEESE D. A.
1997Radioactivite naturelle des differentes formations lithologiques de la region de RoscoffCHAURIS L.
1999Radioactivité naturelle sur les rivages de la Loire-Atlantique et sur diverses autres zones littorales en Bretagne MéridionaleCHAURIS L.
1998Radiocarbon determinations on Chilagoe Rock Paitnings: Small sample Accelerator Mass SpectrometryArmitage R. A.; B. David; M. Hyman; M. W. Rowe; C. Tuniz; E. Lawson; G. Jacobsen; Q. Hua
1994Radiolaria in East China SeaTan Zhi-yuan
1989Radiolaria in the plankton of some fJournalords in western and northern norway: The distribution of speciesNEIL R. SWANBERG; KJELL R. BJORKLUND
2009Radionuclides as tracers of water fronts in the South Indian Ocean -Antares VI resultsLee S. H.; Et Al.
2008Radula synthesis by three species of iron mineralizing molluscs: production rate and elemental demandShaw J. A.; Et Al.
1993Ran doc - Loi va haiVo Van Chi; Nguyen Duc Minh
1998Rạn san hô trên các bãi cạn phía Bắc quần đảo Trường Sa [Coral reefs on some banks in Northern Spratly]Võ, Sĩ Tuấn; Nguyễn, Huy Yết
2007Random walk dynamics of exploited fish populationsNiwa H. S.
2013Random wave runup and overtopping a steep sea wall: Shallow - water and boussinesq modeling with generalised breaking and wall impact algorithms validated against laboratory and field measurementsMcCabe M. V.; P. K. Stansby; D. D. Apsley
1999Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA profile-based measures of genetic diversity in crayfish correlated with environmental impactsKRANE D. E.; STERNBERG D. C.; BURTON G. A.
2000Range extension and microhabitat of Lightiella incisa (Cephalocarida)De Troch M.; F. Fiers; M. Vincx
2003Range extention and reproduction of the barnacle Balanus perforatus in the eastern English ChannelHerbert R. J. H.; Et Al
2001Range of electrosensory detection of prey by Carcharhinus melanopterus and Himantura granulataHaine O. S.; Ridd P. V.; Rowe R. J.
2008Range wide population structure and history of the northern quahog (Merceneria merceneria) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence dataBaker P.; Et Al.
Showing results 15070 to 15089 of 21195
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