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Showing results 21126 to 21145 of 21169
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2002Zanclea (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) species from Bunaken Marine Park (Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia)Puce S.; Et Al.
2006Zeta potential measurements for quantitative interpretation of self potential profilesHase H.; Et Al.
2000Zinc, copper and chlorophyll-derivatives in the polychaete Owenia fusiformisGibbs P. E.; Et Al.
1957Zoanthaires du VietnamPax F. &, F.; Muller, I.
1957Zoanthaires du VietnamPAX F.; MULLER I.
1976Zonation of macrofauna on a mangrove shore, Phuket IslandFRITH D. W.; TANTANASIRIWRONG R.; BHATIA O.
2007Zooarchaelogical analysis of prehistoric vertebrate exploitation at the Grand Bay Site, Carriacou, West IndiesLeFebvre; M. J.
1995Zoobenthos fauna in the sea waters of VietnamNguyễn Văn Chung; Đào Tấn Hỗ
1995Zoobenthos fauna in the sea waters of VietnamNguyen, Van Chung; Dao, Tan Ho
1997Zoogeographic affinities of Hong Kong opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda)JENSEN K. R.
1998Zoogeographic affinities of Hong Kong Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda)Jensen K. R.
1998Zoogeographic trends in Some Hong Kong ArthropodsBAMBER R. N.
1874Zoological results of the Hassler expedition.Echini,Crinoids and corals.AGASSIZ A.
1998Zoologische VerhandelingenNational Museum Of Natural History Of Netherland
1957ZoologyELLIOTT A. M.
1972Zooplancton de la region sureste del golfo de México.ALFREDO DE LA CRUZ S.
2003Zooplankton-climate linkages in different geographical zones (in Russian)Piontkovski S. A.; Hammeed S.
2006Zooplankton abundance and species diversity in Qui Nhon coastal waters, South Central Vietnam in June 2004Nguyen, Cho; Truong, Si Hai Trinh
2006Zooplankton abundance and species diversity in Quy Nhon coastal waters, South Central Vietnam in June 2004NGUYỄN CHO; Truong Si Hai Trinh
1961Zooplankton Abundance in the Gulf of Thailand and South China SeaBRINTON E.
Showing results 21126 to 21145 of 21169
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