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Công bố khoa học ở tạp chí quốc tế - International research papers (Bibliographic record and/or full-text) >

Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://tvhdh.vnio.org.vn:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/21087

Title: The Southwestern part of the South China Sea, Part 1 geological characteristics of subsea deposits exploration methods and techniques
Authors: Kirichenko, Yu.V.
Ngo, Tran Thien Quy
Pham, Ba Trung
Nguyen, Thi Tham
Doan, Thi Thuy
Keywords: South China Sea
Continental shelf
Mixed-grained sediment
Resource potential
Erromanganese ores
Issue Date: 2022
Series/Report no.: Russian Mining Industry, No. 1:104–109, 2022, https://doi.org/10.30686/1609-9192-;
Abstract: The article discusses the resource potential of the South China Sea, presents the main geographic and hydrological data on the South China Basin of the Pacific Ocean. Information about the geological conditions of the South China Sea, including the morphology and tectonics of the seabed, is presented. Data on the prevalence of different-grained sediments along the entire coastline and in the shelf zone of the South China Sea are presented. Ferromanganese ores, represented by formations in the form of nodules and crusts, are considered as one of the main types of solid mineral resources in the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam. The regularities of their distribution in the South China Sea are analyzed, the history of geological studies of the mineral resources of the seabed is presented, and a plan for further exploration is proposed.
URI: http://tvhdh.vnio.org.vn:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/21087
ISSN: 1609-9192 (print); 2587-9138 (online)
Appears in Collections:Công bố khoa học ở tạp chí quốc tế - International research papers (Bibliographic record and/or full-text)

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